Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two weeks off

I'm finally getting better. It has been a long two weeks of doctor's appointments and prescriptions, but I am now feeling almost back to normal. The only bad part is that I'm not done. I have a kidney stone in my kidney that I have to get taken care of soon. But until then I'm back on my quest. I thought I would lose some weight being sick and I did that first week, I made it down to 155. The second week though I gained it all back. So this morning I'm at 158. The problem last week was taking some medicine that made me feel sick if I ever had an empty stomach. My desire to "diet", while I was sick was none so here I am. I feel like I've taken two steps forward and one step back.

I did start the 30 day shred DVD that I talked about earlier. And I love it. I actually really like the Jillian girl. She is so much better than some of the ladies on these DVD's. And the work out is great. It is only 20 minutes and it goes through things fast. I also like how easy it is to do. I'm only two days in but right now I'm really happy about it and I actually look forward to doing the work-out.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Kidney Beans

I hate kidney beans, and right now I hate my kidney's too. My "bad back" turned out to be infected kidney's. Holy crap, does it suck. I've been in pain for days. Wednesday was the worst and each day was getting better...until today. Now I am nauseated and have a headache to go with my awesome back pain. So I haven't eaten for two days. Bad for me, good for the scale.

I have decided that anorexia probably isn't an option. I had to fast for a CT scan yesterday and doing that made me realize how many times I just grab a handful of this or that. I'll pour a bowl of coco puffs for my kids and hurry and grab a few puffs for myself. I'll be really interested to see where I weigh in on Monday.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bad Back

Well I've had a minor set back. I have really hurt my back (no idea how). And yes, it's a bad back not a bad attitude. If anyone can tell me what movie that refers to I'll take you out for ice cream...I mean salad.

Seriously though it hurts to walk or move so working out is not an option for the next day or two...darn. Actually I'll take working out and being able to function over this any day of the week. I am still going to eat careful so I hopefully won't go up at all, we'll see.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Weekend two is under my belt. And yes that belt is getting tighter! I weighed in this morning at 157.4!! How cool is that? I haven't seen that weight in over a year so I was pretty excited this morning. I was especially excited because I tried a little experiment. I am no good at going sans treats all the time. So Friday night I let myself have whatever I wanted. I had pizza from The Pie and a soda and five chocolate chip cookies. I got it all out of my system and then I was good for the rest of the weekend and it worked. I told myself if I weighed in at 159 or above I wouldn't be able to give myself the one night of freedom, but it looks like I will be able to after all...at least for now.

My second experiment is The Shred, some dvd from the "lady" on Biggest Loser. It is supposed to be pretty intense. It should arrive tomorrow and I am going to try it for four weeks and see what happens. It is only twenty minutes a day so I should be able to find time.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I need to find some sleep

Isn't part of being healthy getting enough sleep? I swear I read somewhere that it is harder to lose weight when you don't get enough sleep. If this is true than I'm in big trouble. The baby is cutting his first tooth and he has been up for three nights in a row. It's the kind of night where you are up and down so much that you actually feel more tired by morning. I want to get up early and do Pilate's in the morning, but when my alarm goes off during the longest sleep streak of the night (one and half hours) it's pretty hard to get out of bed.

To top it all off I've had a bad day. I've had the munchies all day and you can only eat so many rice cakes before you head for the hard stuff. I did pretty good until my daughter wanted Oreo's for an after school snack. I was weak. Then I do this thing where I feel like all is lost since I've blown it for the day so I had a nice large glass of chocolate milk for dinner. And the dreaded weekend is staring me in the face. I'm nervous...weekends are so hard for me.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15 calories burned

Yesterday I took the kids to the mall. We don't go very often but when we do we love to get pretzel bites and people watch. Well I like to people watch, the kids like to climb around on the bench. I love the pretzel bites so much, but like brownie night I was in control. Usually I divvy out the bites something like four for me, one for them. Yesterday I ate about three bites TOTAL! Yay me! But more interesting than my pretzel eating experience was watching all the different woman walk by. I couldn't help but notice the different shapes and sizes. I wondered which women were happy with their body and which were not. I wondered what it will take for me to be happy with mine.

On a different note, I did the stationary bike for a while last night. I've decided I have to be distracted while I exercise, although I recently read an article that suggested that people who watch themselves work out in a mirror burn more calories than those who watch TV. My desire to watch myself run on the treadmill is zero, it's not worth the extra calories. After my work out I came up to watch 24 with my husband. The problem is for whatever reason 24 has turned into my personal Ambien. So to stay awake I grabbed a 100 calorie pack of cookies. I only burned 115 calories on the bike, you do the math!

Monday, January 19, 2009

First Weekend

Well I've survived my first weekend. I did pretty good considering I went out out to eat...twice. And I ate more than I should have on Saturday night. But I weighed in at 160 this morning. So from Monday to Monday I lost three pounds. I can't complain about that. And there were a few times over the weekend I actually used great self control. Like, when I went to McGrath's for lunch with some friends. We ordered this outstanding artichoke crab dip, I wanted to pick up the bowl and just drink it down like soup, but I restrained myself and had only a little.

Our treadmill is back in working order so that will help with my exercise this week.