Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15 calories burned

Yesterday I took the kids to the mall. We don't go very often but when we do we love to get pretzel bites and people watch. Well I like to people watch, the kids like to climb around on the bench. I love the pretzel bites so much, but like brownie night I was in control. Usually I divvy out the bites something like four for me, one for them. Yesterday I ate about three bites TOTAL! Yay me! But more interesting than my pretzel eating experience was watching all the different woman walk by. I couldn't help but notice the different shapes and sizes. I wondered which women were happy with their body and which were not. I wondered what it will take for me to be happy with mine.

On a different note, I did the stationary bike for a while last night. I've decided I have to be distracted while I exercise, although I recently read an article that suggested that people who watch themselves work out in a mirror burn more calories than those who watch TV. My desire to watch myself run on the treadmill is zero, it's not worth the extra calories. After my work out I came up to watch 24 with my husband. The problem is for whatever reason 24 has turned into my personal Ambien. So to stay awake I grabbed a 100 calorie pack of cookies. I only burned 115 calories on the bike, you do the math!


  1. Kara, you are being so hard on yourself. You are doing awesome. Youburned 115 calories on the bike, but that is an EXTRA 115 cal. that you wouldn't have burned otherwise. Way to go, keep up with the motivation. I am really enjoying reading about your first week of success.

  2. Hilarious! I had a very similar experience. I went to the gym on Monday and burned around 350 calories. Then came home and watched 24 with Matt on the laptop and ate popcorn and chocolate. My snack wasn't even to keep me awake...so it could be worse.
